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  • Marlee Elaine

Cross the Finish Line of 2020 with Success!

What was that? You remember, you had a moment of inspiration and wanted to take your life to a better place. You got tired of having it be this way and somewhere in the flow of this year… you said to yourself… enough is enough! I want to be happy about???? So… you made a plan to change it… to create a better experience! Damn right! You thought! I deserve to be happy about… my health, my career, my relationships, my money!

This year I set out to improve my healthy lifestyle. I wanted to take it up a notch! n then… all this craziness happened and baddah bing baddah boom… Sidetracked! Distracted! Fear-monsters! What’s going to happen now questions!

Manage ~ Manage ~ Manage … the Stress! The Unknown! The Fear! The Isolation! The what the french toast is the new normal and how do I cancel my subscription. Not to mention the time that was now in ample supply but what the *!@#$%&^& do you do with this much time on your hands????

Over-think! Get in your head! Analyze up one way and down the other! Go numb with a side of worry and anxiety!

Oooooo boy! That’s quite enough of that!

I am stepping back on track! If the new normal is what it is… I am getting back to the business of breaking that glass ceiling of my goal!

Today I used a tool called a Mind-Map! I wanted to get Precision Clear ~ Focused with a Purpose because I am not really messing around and staying in distraction for one moment more. I Declare! This is happening!

What do you want for the rest of this year for You? What can you Shift? What can you make any way you want it to be by getting clear?

I am doing it! Do You want to do it too! Let’s make a plan to CELEBRATE our achievements together! Come join my passion! I will be your inspiration! Your Coach cheering you on! Your Clarity Guide showing you the way!

Let’s do this!

Goals ~ Finish 2020 Strong! Online Master Class

September 22nd, 2020 10:00 am – 12 noon or 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Click on the links below to get signed up and make your commitment to Finish this year Strong!

Tuesday ~September 22nd 10:00 am to 12:00 noon or

Tuesday ~September 22nd 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Life is Mastering the Art of becoming who you are born to be!

all my Wild Heart Love xxoo

~ Marlee Elaine

Creative Clarity for Life

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